Friendship, like all things you don’t expect to come your way, took me by surprise. I can’t remember exactly when and how did it all started. All I can recall was the moment when we were grouped together. It was 2nd semester, SY 2007-2008 in our Visual Basic programming class, our instructor told us to group together by three. Everyone began to think of a possible group mate. Then I hear our instructor said,”Clamonte ug Paypon, Grupo mo daan ha?” I was like “Halaka”. And then he added, “Kinsa pa ba’y maayo ug programming diri?” “Si Sipsip sir.” , my classmates answered. Then he said, “Sige, kamong tulo grupo ha.” It’s final. We can’t do anything about it.
For the group to work out, we really have to get along. I’m not really familiar with my new group mates. Sipsip was my classmate in Filipino 101 but I can’t remember anything about him. Paypon was my classmate in Math 102 and oh! she’s good at it. We were also at the same block the previous semester but we merely even say hello. That was it. Nothing more, nothing less. Not a very bad start huh? And by the way, we named our group “Team Rocket”.
We get along well as we worked on our bloody project. It was really bloody that we swore to eat ice cream once we finish it.
During one of our chatting session I accidentally found out that Sipsip and I are related by blood. Good news. Time had gone by and we began calling each other by our nicknames. It’s a good sign.
The bond between the three of us got stronger as we took our OJT together in Landbank. We were part of a group of six that we called “WinX”, the powerful WinX club named after a cartoon series. After that, there’s no stopping us. We’re together in our SAD, Software Engineering, and finally in our IT Research .
We have moments together that are so hard to forget. Our sweet escape, great escape and escape to the max moments. Our Springland moments, RM moment, Valentine moments, Balongating moments, eating and videoke moments, Butterfly Garden moments, sleepover moments, kulitan moments and many more.
Who would have thought that we will get this far? It is still a mystery how we really get along. We are three very different people from three different worlds with very different personalities, but we really enjoy each other’s company. Now, I can really say that the two of them are the best thing Saint Columban College had given me. I am so blessed to have them.
My Li’l sis and my Utol mean so much to me. They had given me so much that I couldn’t ask for more. In them, family and friend have come to mean the same. And it really makes me feel sad each time I think that one day, time and distance will keep us apart. When that time comes, I will simply look up to the evening sky, stare at the Orion’s Belt (that three wonderful stars moving side by side together across the vast space of the universe), and know that no matter where life would take us, no matter how long, we will never be apart because we’re just here, sitting silently in each other’s heart.