Thursday, March 3, 2011

This is for My Country

You really know it when you have had enough.  And I’ve had enough. I’ve had witness poverty killing my countrymen. I’ve seen corruption cripple government projects. I’ve seen the poor getting much poorer and the rich of course is getting richer. I’ve seen all these with my own eyes and I’ve had enough. Some have seen as much as I did. Some have seen much more but they pretend not to see a thing. But it is so clear. And every citizen of this country is aware of this painful and insulting reality.

The government can only be as good as its people. We can’t blame the government alone for these problems. We are partly to be blame. How can we say that a government official is corrupt and had done nothing when in the first place we had voted for that official and is aware of his wrongdoings? Most of us sold our votes during elections. I salute the noble few who stood firm and didn’t sold their votes. Only very few are aware of the importance of their votes. Only very few value their votes. Only very few think of the future when they cast their votes. It is really sad to say, only very few.

What are we doing? Where did we go so wrong? Is this the best we can do? Do nothing?

We better start to ask ourselves now. Our forefathers died for this land. They fought for our FREEDOM. They give their lives to see the sun shine in this country whose skies have been clouded with hundreds of years of oppression and slavery. Have we forgotten all that?

25 years ago we have shown the world what we can do when we STAND all together as ONE. We can move mountains.  Have we also forgotten that?
We are living now as a free people in Democracy all thanks to the millions who weren’t afraid of anything at that moment when we show the world that VICTORY can be achieve in a peaceful way. We were so great back then. The seed of nationalism was fiercely burning in our hearts. Where have all that feelings gone?

Now, we don’t need to be on the streets and face tanks, all we have to do is take our part as a good CITIZEN of this country. Our country may now be independent but we are not truly free. Until there are corrupt officials in the government using the people’s money as if it’s their own, until there are families who get to eat only once a day or worst not at all, until our graduates would choose to work abroad, until we are divided, until we think only of ourselves and until we pretend not to see all these, we are not truly FREE.

Are you a FILIPINO? Are you PROUD to be one?  If YOU ARE, take your share. WAKE UP and STAND UP for our COUNTRY, for CHANGE.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

One Tweet Day

Almost everyone who has access to the Internet has their own social network account especially Facebook and Twitter. And I am one of them. I can't remember when did I opened my FB account. But I guess I'm on FB for more than two years now. Most of my friends in FB are acquaintances. I am not the type who adds anyone. I only add those people I know and those who appear to be my relatives.

Twitter is one of the most famous now if all you want is follow anyone you like especially celebrities. I didn't create a Twitter account though until September last year. I am a big fan of Miss Anne Curtis and following her was my very reason of joining the Twitter world. I want to be updated on what she's doing and her fan page in FB does not provide  that. I also followed her younger sis Jasmine. Good thing Jasmine was the one who personally updates her FB fan page. The next person I followed was Bianca Gonzalez. She's my favorite female host. I also tried to follow Toni G, too bad she doesn't have a Twitter account.

I only follow persons I like in Twitter. And most of the time I tweet them with a wish that they would be able to read my tweets. And last week came as a very big surprise for me when Bianca G. mention me in one of her tweets. The next day i smiled widely for the entire day because she replied on my tweet. It is just so good to know that she don't take her fans' tweets for granted.

Today definitely was my most happy tweeting day. I tweeted my faves @annecurtissmith and @iamsuperbianca. and guess what?...,


I received this reply " bianca gonzalez 

@ your tweet is one of the sweetest, most meaningful tweets i've ever received. 
THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart. :)"

When you're a fan you would definitely shout for joy. The person whom you look up to give her time to reply your tweet and show her gratitude. It's unbelievable. I was startled that I didn't just shout, I roll on my bed giggling. I can't believe it. My housemates call me crazy 'cause  I keep on smiling (^_^)
Well, I can't help it.
I feel so lucky today.  ☀☀♥♥♥★★♪♬    ☀☀♥♥♥★★♪♬ 

Thursday, February 17, 2011

What Am I Doing?

I've been thinking a lot lately. And I just realize that there's no way I am going to reach my dreams if I continue to stay where I am right now, if I continue to do what I am doing right now and if I continue to be what I am right now.

I have a lot of big dreams and I have promised myself that I would  make them all come true. So, what am I going to do? Should I stay or should I leave? Nothing is happening to me here. My dreams seems to be very far away from here. And I decided to chase my dreams because my dreams are not only for me. They are also for all of those who matter. 

I want provide my love ones everything they need. I want to give them the things they never had. I've heard too much stories about how hard our life way back then. And I swear that it will never ever happen again.

I'll go after my dreams and I won't stop until I reach them.

One day I'm going to watch the Wimbledon, the Australian Open, the NBA Finals and the World Cup live right before my very eyes.
One day I will have a very nice home and a super cool car.
One day I will be able to buy everything I need. Food, clothes and everything.

One day I am going to reach my dreams.

Friday, February 11, 2011

When you can't speak, WRITE

Because I am not a good talker, I usually write everything I want to say.
This one goes for my sister who deserves so much more than a poem.

16 Years Older

I was only five when she went abroad
To help our parents buy us food
She was just twenty two when she left home
She had to work far all alone

So I always wonder what it’s like
Growing up with her at my side
She was so far, so far away
I never knew what she has to say

If life was just easy and money not scarce
She would have not work many miles afar
She went there to help our parents make a living
She’s there to help us realize our dream

My only childhood memory with her
Was when she bathes me in a well
I can never thank her big enough
For the great sacrifice she did for us

She’s thirty seven when she fell in love and decides
To go to Down Under and be a bride
The situation and place may have change
But some things always remain the same

I was five then, now I’m twenty three
Still wondering what she has to say
‘cause my sister is three thousand miles away
And she’s sixteen years older than me


And this is all about my precious childhood memories.

Growing Up Sunshine

Growing up near green fields with a lot of carabao grass
Playing with my little sister letting time pass
Wake up in the morning and hear the birds sing
Feel the soft sunlight as it touches my skin

Early in the morning searching for green pasture
Sticking up with my big brother doing his chore
Riding on Julio’s back heading to the river
Time for the big fellow to bathe in the water

Picking grasses’ leaves under the midday sun
Playing little chefs with my sister for fun
Boiling mud and clay trying to make desserts
We both ended up staining our shirts

Standing by the window watching the setting sun
As many birds gather and sing at the pond
At night it’s so quiet and you can soundly sleep
And dream of memories that play for keeps

Life goes like this in my growing up years
Which I now reminisce with my eyes in tears
Fun and happy are my memories back then
 Now my growing up sunshine is never the same


Monday, February 7, 2011

What I Always Really Wanted

One thing I really want to do is grab a camera and go somewhere. Take pictures. Enjoy the scenery. And then write about it. I really love taking pictures. It's one of my passion. I also love to write. Sometimes I just grab a pen and then write whatever comes into my head. 

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Dark Angels' Happy Times

Good memories with good people. Friends who have been through everything.
Friends who have shared laughters and tears and stories.

    Vocation Jamboree

    Pilgrim Walk-----Youth Camp

    Popoy's Birthday

    Pamuso Trippin'

    Christmas Party

All our memories together are worth remembering. I will cherish all of it forever.
Dark Angels will forever be in my heart.♥♥★★✔

Friday, February 4, 2011

Shaken Friendship

Do you know what it feels like when your friends are not in good terms especially the ones who are so close to you? It’s like being tossed so up high in the air and nobody is there to catch you. It’s really that hard. And it’s really that sad. You really don’t know what to do. You can’t take side. You can’t choose because they both mean so much to you.

This is what bothers me right now. I’ve never been through this before. I tried to patch things up between them. It’s just sad because it didn’t work out. I thought it did. I thought they’re okay. But I was wrong. I’m just not good in things like this. When things go wrong and when my friends need me, I suck. I can’t find the right words to say. And much worse, sometimes I can’t even speak. 

When I look at some old pictures of us together it would make me wonder what went wrong. We were so happy. We were so united. Friendship like the one we shared is true and strong. It’s the kind of friendship you would do everything to make it last forever. It has a very strong foundation. I once thought it will never be shaken. But it is now. And now it’s all up to them if they will at least try to save their friendship for old time’s sake. 

Is it pride that is ruining this friendship? Is pride more important than friendship? At some point in our lives people we love and who loves us will hurt us. We just have to accept that. 

They’ve been through a lot together. They’ve shared laughters and tears. They’ve shared memories that are worth remembering. This is why I will never stop believing that everything will be okay, that they can patch things up.

There are only very few people I care about. It includes both of them. And I want the issue between them to be settled. I’m not good at talking that’s why I had written all I want to say. 

I hope that they will open their hearts and give their friendship another chance. It’s worth it.