The government can only be as good as its people. We can’t blame the government alone for these problems. We are partly to be blame. How can we say that a government official is corrupt and had done nothing when in the first place we had voted for that official and is aware of his wrongdoings? Most of us sold our votes during elections. I salute the noble few who stood firm and didn’t sold their votes. Only very few are aware of the importance of their votes. Only very few value their votes. Only very few think of the future when they cast their votes. It is really sad to say, only very few.
What are we doing? Where did we go so wrong? Is this the best we can do? Do nothing?
We better start to ask ourselves now. Our forefathers died for this land. They fought for our FREEDOM. They give their lives to see the sun shine in this country whose skies have been clouded with hundreds of years of oppression and slavery. Have we forgotten all that?
We are living now as a free people in Democracy all thanks to the millions who weren’t afraid of anything at that moment when we show the world that VICTORY can be achieve in a peaceful way. We were so great back then. The seed of nationalism was fiercely burning in our hearts. Where have all that feelings gone?
Now, we don’t need to be on the streets and face tanks, all we have to do is take our part as a good CITIZEN of this country. Our country may now be independent but we are not truly free. Until there are corrupt officials in the government using the people’s money as if it’s their own, until there are families who get to eat only once a day or worst not at all, until our graduates would choose to work abroad, until we are divided, until we think only of ourselves and until we pretend not to see all these, we are not truly FREE.