Wednesday, March 2, 2011

One Tweet Day

Almost everyone who has access to the Internet has their own social network account especially Facebook and Twitter. And I am one of them. I can't remember when did I opened my FB account. But I guess I'm on FB for more than two years now. Most of my friends in FB are acquaintances. I am not the type who adds anyone. I only add those people I know and those who appear to be my relatives.

Twitter is one of the most famous now if all you want is follow anyone you like especially celebrities. I didn't create a Twitter account though until September last year. I am a big fan of Miss Anne Curtis and following her was my very reason of joining the Twitter world. I want to be updated on what she's doing and her fan page in FB does not provide  that. I also followed her younger sis Jasmine. Good thing Jasmine was the one who personally updates her FB fan page. The next person I followed was Bianca Gonzalez. She's my favorite female host. I also tried to follow Toni G, too bad she doesn't have a Twitter account.

I only follow persons I like in Twitter. And most of the time I tweet them with a wish that they would be able to read my tweets. And last week came as a very big surprise for me when Bianca G. mention me in one of her tweets. The next day i smiled widely for the entire day because she replied on my tweet. It is just so good to know that she don't take her fans' tweets for granted.

Today definitely was my most happy tweeting day. I tweeted my faves @annecurtissmith and @iamsuperbianca. and guess what?...,


I received this reply " bianca gonzalez 

@ your tweet is one of the sweetest, most meaningful tweets i've ever received. 
THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart. :)"

When you're a fan you would definitely shout for joy. The person whom you look up to give her time to reply your tweet and show her gratitude. It's unbelievable. I was startled that I didn't just shout, I roll on my bed giggling. I can't believe it. My housemates call me crazy 'cause  I keep on smiling (^_^)
Well, I can't help it.
I feel so lucky today.  ☀☀♥♥♥★★♪♬    ☀☀♥♥♥★★♪♬